公司英文名稱USync Inc.隱含Unique System of Numerical Control之意,正是本公司創立時的宗旨:提供具有特色的CNC控制系統。
我們與國際知名大廠合作,引進英國Renishaw的量測系統、日本三菱電機的CNC控制器與義大利Balance Systems的磨床量測系統, 機械手臂自動化設備 及CNC智慧機聯網軟體整合。提供自動化軟硬體整合銷售與服務。
USync Inc. is a company experienced with 40years to explore new technology and industry trends on current machinery HMI design and automated integration, we has become an innovator since our first product_ machinery CNC controller established in 1979. “Think of Digital” inspired that we could carry an idea through to success. Fundamentally, we believe that success comes from “Applying technologies to increase productivity”. USync Inc. has established the strategic relationship with globally branded companies to pursue the markets effectively with prosperity. Today, USync Inc. is leading on Taiwanese market with Measurement
- 自動化設備
- 機械手臂
- 自動量儀
- CNC控制器
- CNC工具機量測
- CNC機聯網軟體
- 加工尺寸量測
- 公司名稱心得科技工業 USync
- 統一編號12258882
- 聯絡人高先生
- 手機
- 電話02-29174202
- 傳真02-29158469
- 服務時間09:00AM - 17:00PM
- 服務類別自動化設備製造代理
- 公司所在地 新北市新店區寶中路92號8樓
偉展實業有限公司是一間由針織行業擁有多年豐富經驗人士所創辦, 公司成立於1994